It is compulsory for learners to comply with the uniform regulations. Wearing a uniform ensures that your child feels part of the school and helps enhance pride in Hurlyvale Primary School. Please ensure that every item of uniform is clearly marked with your child’s name, as unmarked items cannot be returned to their rightful owner.
Blue tartan skirt/skort with a white short-sleeved shirt and badge on the shirt. (available from school outfitters)
Short, plain, white socks, black school shoes and a ‘school grey’ jersey (if required) with a badge.
Turquoise or white ‘scrunchie’ or ribbon / ‘Alice’ band. Long hair must be tied back neatly. No hair dye or artificial colour.
Blue tartan skirt/skort with a white long-sleeved shirt and badge on the shirt.
On days where the temperature is below the maximum of 16 degrees, the girls may alternatively wear grey long pants instead of the tunic, with a white long-sleeved shirt with the school badge on the pocket.
Grey socks or stockings, black school shoes and a ‘school grey’ jersey and/or tracksuit top.
Grey School ‘Beanies’ with a badge on.
Grey scarves may be worn on very cold days.
Grey jerseys must have the school badge sewn on.
No boxer shorts or long ski shorts to be worn under dresses.
- No make-up/lipgloss/coloured lip-ice/nail polish, artificial nails or nail art.
White short-sleeved shirt with school badge sewn on pocket.
Grey school shorts, grey long socks, black school shoes and ‘school grey’ jersey with badge (if required).
Grade 7 boys only – Long grey trousers with a belt.
Boys hair must be neatly cut. No “steps” or other fashion hair cuts. No hair dye or artificial colour. Hair must be one length.
White long-sleeved shirt with the school badge on the pocket, grey long trousers, grey socks, black school shoes and a ‘school grey jersey’ and/or tracksuit top.
School ‘Beanies’ with a badge may be worn on very cold days.
Grey jerseys and white shirts must have the school badge sewn on.
No boxer shorts may be worn.
Neat, short, clean nails (see code of conduct 9.2.9).
A full school tracksuit may be worn on PE days in winter for both girls and boys.
Please note that items such as the ‘school grey’ jerseys, socks, shoes, grey trousers, grey shorts and shirts are readily available at most retail stores. Tracksuits, badges, Hurlyvale sports uniforms and coloured house T-shirts are available at our school suppliers, as are the girls’ skirts and skorts.
Please note that items such as the ‘school grey’ V-necked jerseys, cardigans, socks, shoes, grey trousers, grey shorts and shirts are readily available at most retail stores. Tracksuits, badges, Hurlyvale sports uniforms, and colored house T-shirts are available at our school suppliers, as are the girls’ gyms and dresses. We have two official school uniform suppliers:
Edendale Outfitters
32 Eighth Avenue, Edenvale.
Telephone No. 011 453 8465/67
Esquires Sports
46 Eighth Avenue, Edenvale.
Telephone No. 011 453 9008/9
Second Hand Uniform Shop
A second-hand uniform shop is run at the school by volunteers.
This is open on Monday mornings from 07h30 to 08h30 and on Thursday afternoons from 13h30 to 14h15.
School uniforms and sports uniforms are sold at reasonable prices.
Parents are also requested to please donate any “good” used uniforms that they no longer require.